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Botany for Designers : A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals download book DJV, FB2, DOC


Most designers are familiar with essential landscape principles, but rarely does their training include knowledge of botany basics: plant growth, appropriate environments for their survival, and an understanding of their distinct design features. This practical introduction explains how to successfully and effectively incorporate the right plants into your design treatments., Plants are among the most important materials for effective landscape design. Yet the fundamentals of plant biology and growth; their morphology, color, and functional assets; and details such as planting, pruning techniques, and maintenance practices are surprisingly absent from our education and training, which tend to focus on other core principles like drainage, grading, and spatial relationships.What do you need to know about how plants grow and function? How can you determine appropriate plants for a particular site? How can you use their distinct design features effectively? What are the real design considerations to keep in mind?This book--a Botany 101 course for professionals and students alike--walks you through all the answers, equipping you with the ability to be not just an informed landscape designer but also an effective planting designer.Kimberly Duffy Turner, a landscape architect and horticulturalist, explains the essentials of planting design, exploring form and function and showing how various characteristics of plants and trees--shape, pigment, leaf veination, texture, fragrance, sound, height, and more--can be used to achieve effective site-appropriate designs. Specifying appropriate plant material and examining stock at the nursery--drawing up a planting schedule of the species or cultivar, sizes, and quantities--and evaluating modes of transplantation (when to ask for bare root, balled and burlapped, or containerized) are other key "on-the-job" concepts covered.A chapter on green design outlines some of the sustainable trends in botany: the role of LEED certification in landscape design; mitigating environmental problems with plants and open space; the emergence of green roofs and vertical gardens; biomimicry; and sensitive material selection, like composite wood products and plant-derived, soy-based paints. Both a handy appendix of common Latin and Greek terms used in horticulture and a comprehensive list of plant palettes are included.With more than 150 color photographs and schematic drawings illustrating key strategies, Botany for Designers is the professional's go-to guide, showing you how an appreciation of plant fundamentals can lead to more inspired, well-designed landscapes., What do you need to know about how plants grow and function? How can you determine appropriate plants for a particular site? How can you use their distinct design features effectively? What are the real design considerations to keep in mind This book a Botany 101 course for professionals and students alike walks you through all the answers, equipping you with the ability to be not just an informed landscape designer but also an effective planting designer Kimberly Duffy Turner, a landscape architect and horticulturalist, explains the essentials of planting design, exploring form and function and showing how various characteristics of plants and trees shape, pigment, leaf veination, texture, fragrance, sound, height, and more can be used to achieve effective site-appropriate designs. Specifying appropriate plant material and examining stock at the nursery drawing up a planting schedule of the species or cultivar, sizes, and quantities and evaluating modes of transplantation (when to ask for bare root, balled and burlapped, or containerized) are other key on-the-job concepts covered A chapter on green design outlines some of the sustainable trends in botany: the role of LEED certification in landscape design; mitigating environmental problems with plants and open space; the emergence of green roofs and vertical gardens; biomimicry; and sensitive material selection, like composite wood products and plant-derived, soy-based paints. Both a handy appendix of common Latin and Greek terms used in horticulture and a comprehensive list of plant palettes are included With more than 150 color photographs and schematic drawings illustrating key strategies, Botany for Designers is the professional s go-to guide, showing you how an appreciation of plant fundamentals can lead to more inspired, well-designed landscapes. ", While many designers are familiar with basic landscape principles, rarely do they understand how plants grow and function, the most appropriate environments for their survival, and how to utilize their distinct design features. This book offers a practical overview, explaining how to successfully and effectively incorporate plants into design.

Download ebook Kimberly Duffy Turner - Botany for Designers : A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals MOBI, FB2, DOC

Chapters 6--7 in conjunction with some of the current literature listed in the Bibliography can provide a basis for a seminar in the current theory of FBVPs.The book includes two full-length practice tests that mirror the actual exam, allowing you to become familiar with the test format before taking the CLEP.Daniel Gilbert, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and author of "Stumbling on Happiness" As psychology becomes increasingly trivial, devolving into the promotion of positive-thinking platitudes, "The Worm at the Core" bucks the trend.Once they learn to manage their moods, they can function normally and experience far less suffering from the disorder, even when they do have bipolar episodes., Two psychologists who specialise in combining psychotherapy and Eastern spirituality to treat mental health problems present a book of Taoist meditations that can help readers with bipolar disorder center themselves before bipolar episodes get out of hand, reduce the duration of the episodes, and balance their moods., Two psychologists who specialize in combining psychotherapy and Eastern spirituality to treat mental health problems present The Tao of Bipolar, a book of Taoist meditations that can help readers with bipolar disorder center themselves before bipolar episodes get out of hand, reduce the duration of the episodes, and balance their moods.As data analytic software, SAS® transforms data into information and ultimately knowledge and data-driven decisions.This book is written by Kevin Popovi, the Founder of Ideahaus(r).Book jacket., People who have bipolar disorder struggle with psychological balance, swinging between highly depressed and highly manic states.Also, you'll see various code samples, templates for C++ algorithms, parallel processing, multithreading and numerical processes.And yet, as Koppel makes clear, the federal government, while well prepared for natural disasters, has no plan for the aftermath of an attack on the power grid.